Installation Instructions:
1. Remove the rear truck cab window. Sit the sleeper on the truck, centered and against the cab. Get in the truck and trace the rear truck cab window onto the front of the sleeper to be cut and removed for the rubber accordion boot to attach.
2. Install the accordion boot to the sleeper first. Use rubber cement or glue as used on fiberglass boats to hold the boot in place. Start the boot at the bottom left corner and go up over the top and down the right side, cut. Then put the rest across the bottom. (also found on youtube)
3. Put black sponge tape on your truck bed rails if you do not have protection built onto your bed rails.
4. Place sleeper onto bed rails and place as close as you can to the cab to install the rubber boot to the trucks rear cab window opening. Use same technique and glue on the boot part that attaches to the truck rear cab window frame.
5. Make sure you glue the ends of the rubber boot together so they do not come apart and tear.
6. Slide the sleeper back into its position to be bolted. After the sleeper is centered into position, insert the 4-6 bolts, washers and lock nuts in each corner. The bolts need to be 3/8”x 3” bolts with full threads.
7. Finish by using clear silicone on the outside of the boot to ensure it has a good seal.
DOT Mounting frame on flatbeds and chassis frames